I am tickled to announce that I have two feature articles in the Summer 2010 issue of Sew Somerset (my all-time favorite magazine!) and a small piece in the Gallery. The needle case (see earlier posts) is actually the very first article in the issue, the Jabberwocky book is another feature article, and my brown nature book (I think I posted this one?) is in the gallery. One of the pages in the nature book shows the colt we passed quite frequently last summer. He is now a year old and quite handsome! The Twilight Zone part of this story is that we ended up purchasing a used 4X4 truck from his owners a week ago…. Cathy was thrilled to know that L’il Feller was famous in a magazine before he is even registered! I took more pics and actually got to pet him this time (along with their tiny kitten).
Being published and being in the cooler, more relaxed environment here in the mountains has given me the impetus I need to get off my butt and send more pieces in for possible publication and also to seek out an artists’ venue locally to teach in. Once I organized my “store” of supplies I could finally start creating again. Now that we are living in one place rather than a house, apartment, and storage garage I can find my stuff again, yeah!
Here are a couple of the many pictures we took while April was visiting:
This last picture is L'il Feller...the one that is in the gallery in Sew Somerset. You can see he's quite a bit bigger!!