Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sylviane's Beautiful Book over at STITCHED

Sylviane has posted over on her blog the Photo Accordion Book she made from my workshop over at STITCHED.  I was blown away by what she has created!!  She has kindly given me permission to post her photos here and I love, love, love all the details she has incorporated into her book.  I could not have envisioned something this fabulous when I created the class.  Please go to her blog and give her some blog love!  Her book: (please see the bottom of this post for a STITCHED announcement!)

The lovely birthday girl, Alma Stoller, has given all of you an opportunity to become a part of our STITCHED community.  If you've wanted to enjoy the creativity of the 20 wonderful teachers at STITCHED now is the time!  To join STITCHED is now only $40!  Yes, $40 for 6 months and 20 teachers, countless videos and all the fun in the workshops!!!!  For more information please go here.
And then go here to wish Alma a happy birthday and check out the awesome give away she has for new STITCHED members.